Wintonbury Historical Society is photographing & documenting Bloomfield’s Barns & Outbuildings…
Bloomfield’s agricultural heritage is seen even today in its barns and outbuildings. Some are collapsing, others house various animals & some are B&Bs. In March 1981 the Bloomfield Zip published a 4-page spread of Bloomfield Barns photographed & described in 1980 by Peggy Stanwood.
In 2006-2010 The Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation surveyed Connecticut Barns. Only 7 locations in Bloomfield were surveyed. The results are available at Historic Barns of Connecticut. When Preservation CT @preservationconnecticut conducted their survey they said… “Barns are disappearing from the Connecticut landscape. In some cases, it takes years for a barn to slowly decay. In others, a barn may be standing one day and gone the next, razed to make way for new construction. With each barn that is lost another piece of the state’s rich agricultural history disappears.
In a few places, concerned groups have begun to inventory existing barns with the hope of at least documenting the buildings before they are gone. But in many parts of the state the sense of loss is based on anecdotal evidence. We simply don’t know where the state’s barns are, what they look like, and how they were used. We don’t know what we are losing.”
In 2024 the Wintonbury Historical Society is documenting Bloomfield’s barns & outbuildings. If you have one of these structures on your property, please contact us, so we can include it. We would like to come out, take photographs, collect information & if you have any older photographs, please share them with us. [They will be scanned & returned to you.]
See our Instagram Account wintonbury_historical_society to learn more about these structures. For example, on 17 March 2024 Auerfarm the 4-H teaching farm and State Park was featured.
Photo credit: J Langston