Wintonbury Historical Society



Printer Friendly Bylaws           

Adopted April 1949
(as amended 11/03/1999, 11/07/2000 & 11/05/2003, 06/06/2007 & 11/03/2010)


Article I – Name


The Organization shall be known as the Wintonbury Historical Society, Inc.


Article II – Objective


The objectives of said Society are (1) the collection and preservation of records, facts, and materials relating to the history and to the citizens of Bloomfield, Connecticut; (2) the identification, preservation and marking of buildings and locations of historical interest within said town; (3) the recording of current history for the benefit of future generations of the town; (4) the dissemination of documents and pamphlets relating to such records, facts, materials, identifications; and (5) in general to carry on all activities appropriate for an Historical Society.


Article III – Incorporation


The Society is duly incorporated but there is no capital stock.


In case of the dissolution of the Corporation, or in case it shall become impossible for the Corporation to fulfill its purposes, all records, materials, and property owned by the Corporation shall be transferred by the Board of Directors to the custody of the Board of Directors of the Prosser Library of Bloomfield, Connecticut, or such other town or state corporation or society as will use said records, materials and property for the purpose for which this Society is organized.


Article IV – Membership


Any person interested in the history of Bloomfield may be considered for membership in the Society.


Different membership categories (for example, student) may be established by the Board of Directors.  Active members are those who have paid their current dues.


Application for membership shall be in writing, signed by the applicant, endorsed by the Society's Membership Committee, and accompanied by one year's dues. New members are welcomed at the next regular meeting of the Society.


The amount of dues fis decided annually by the Board of Directors. Dues should be paid by July 1 of each year. Members joining after January pay one-half of the annual dues.


Members who do not pay dues within six months of the due date are sent reminder notices by the Membership Commottee. If these members do not pay dues within one month after the reminder is sent, they are dropped from the membership rolls.  Anyone  dropped because of nonpayment may be reinstated upon the payment of dues.


Persons who have rendered unusual and important service to the Town of Bloomfield or to the State of Connecticut, in the cause of historic inquiry, when recommended by vote of the Board of Directors, may be elected Honorary Members by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting. Honorary Members do not have voting rights unless they are also active members. As Honorary Members they are not required to pay dues.


Any present or prospective member may obtain a life membership in the Society upon the payment of life membership dues.


Article V – Government


The officers of the Society are President, Vice-President, a Recording Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer.


Officers are elected at the Annual Meeting for terms of two years. The President, Vice-President and Treasurer are elected in the even years. The Recording Secretary,   Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer are elected in the odd years.


The Board of Directors composed of the following voting members: the officers of the Society, the immediate past-president, and twelve members of the Society, four elected at each Annual Meeting for three year terms. Board members serve no more than two consecutive terms but may be reelected after a one-year interval. The Board fills any vacancies that occur between Annual Meetings.  The President may appoint one or more additional persons to serve in an advisory capacity on the Board during his/her term of office.  The President may designate one member of the Board of Directors of the Prosser Public Library as an ex-officio member. Any Board member who does not attend three meetings in any fiscal year is considered to have resigned; however, the Board may take into account extenuating circumstances.


The President may name both standing and temporary committees as the need arises.


Article VI – Duties of Officers


The President presides at all meetings of the Society and its Board of Directors. He/Shel, with the Secretary and Treasurer, signs all written contracts and obligations of the Society as authorized by the Board of Directors. At the first meeting of the Board of Directors after the Society’s Annual Meeting, he/she announces the members of the standing and other committees. The President is an ex-officio member of all committees.


The Vice-President performs the duties of the President in his/her absence, and otherwise serves the Society at the President's discretion.


The Recording Secretary writes up, distributes, and files the minutes of all meetings of the Society and its Board of Directors.


The Assistant Secretary serves in the absence of the Secretary.


The Treasurer is an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee.  He/she keeps a list of all members, sees that dues notices are sent out, and collects all dues. He/she has custody of all dues and monetary donations belonging to the Society. He/she prepares an annual budget of income and expenditures and provides complete financial reports for each Board of Directors meeting and summary reports for each general membership meeting.  He/she pays all bills of the Society as authorized by the Board of Directors.


The Assistant Treasurer assists the Treasurer as requested and performs the duties of the Treasurer in his/her absence.


The Board of Directors has direct control of the affairs of the Society, subject to the Bylaws. It hires any employees and defines the duties of employees and committees. It recommends the annual budget of the Society and submits it for membership approval at the Annual Meeting. It has the authority to take whatever other actions are necessary and proper for the Society's welfare.


Article VII – Historian and Curator


The Historian and the Curator are appointed by the President.


The Historian shall be responsible for: (1) the collection and preservation of records, facts, and materials relating to the history of the Town of Bloomfield and its citizens; (2) the identification of locations of historical interest within the Town; and (3) recording current history for the benefit of future generations.


The Curator oversees the Society's collection, coordinates exhibits, and responds to requests for searching Society archives for genealogical information.


Article VIII – Meetings


The regular meetings of the Society are held in the months of February, April, June, September and November.


All meetings are governed by these Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order.


The President, at his/her discretion,  appoints from the membership a Parliamentarian who is duly qualified to interpret Robert’s Rules.


The June meeting is the Annual Meeting of the Society.


Special meetings may be called by the President at any time and will be called at the written request of ten members of the Society or a majority of the Board of Directors.


Twelve Active members of the Society shall constitute a quorum.


The Board of Directors meets at least five times a year. Additional meetings may be requested by the President or any four members of the Board.


The Board of Directors may change the date of any meeting provided at least one week's notice is given to all affected members.


Article IX – Amendments


Whenever in its judgment there is a need for revision or amendments to these Bylaws, the Board of Directors establishes a Bylaws Committee to make recommendations to the Board. After approving the Committee’s recommendations, the Board notifies the membership of the proposed changes.


The amendment process as described above may be initiated by a petition signed by at least ten percent of Society members.


The membership of the Society votes on Bylaws changes at any regular meeting at which at least twenty-five members are present,  provided that the Secretary has notified all members in writing of the proposed changes at least ten days prior to the meeting. A two-thirds vote of those members voting is required for adoption of the changes.

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