Become a History Supporter!
Member Benefits include: The Drummer Newsletter 5 times per year, free scanning of your old family photographs, help to research your home or family, member programs and an annual meeting.
Memberships run from either July 1 through June 30 or January 1 through December 31, each year, depending when payment is received.
- Student membership, $10
- Senior individual or couple, $25
- Individual membership, $30
- Family membership, $40
- Booster, $50
- Donor, $100
- Business membership, $100
- Advocate, $250
- Champion, $500
Send your check along with contact information to PO Box 7454, Bloomfield, CT 06002, or use PayPal. Thank you.
The Wintonbury Historical Society, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation.