Connecticut Color and the Civil War

June 5th, 2024 6:00 pm at 330 Park Avenue

CT 29th Infantry

The Militia Act of 1862 made it legal for African American men to enlist in state militias ultimately leading to the creation of Connecticut’s 29th and 30th Colored Infantry Regiments. During his presentation John Mills will delve into the lives and experiences of some of the men who enlisted in Connecticut’s Colored Regiments what drove them to enlist and a perspective of our state at the time. Mills will also discuss his research into past enslaved individuals in Connecticut highlighting their experiences and his work to acknowledge them.

A joint program with the Bloomfield Public Library. Registration is required.
To Register: visit Bloomfield Public Library’s website, (then click on Event Calendar).

Beaufort, South Carolina. 29th Regiment from Connecticut
[Image 03372 from Library of Congress]